Hobomok Skipper (Poanes hobomok)
(Normal Form) Female - Portage-du-Fort, QC 2013/06/10
Male - Gatineau Park, QC 2012/05/28
Dark "Pocahontas" form Female - Portage-du-Fort, QC 2013/06/10
Burnt Lands Provincial Park, ON 2011/06/04
Dark "Pocahontas" form Female - Marmora, ON 2012/06/03
Darker variant female - Algonquin Provincial Park, ON 2012/05/30
Member of Family: Hesperiidae
On iNaturalist, the scientific name has been updated to Lon hobomok.
I've noted a great deal of variability in how dark the "dark" form female can be. The one pictured at bottom left is an extreme example, while the one at bottom right is closer to the normal form. Also, there is a great deal of overlap between the normal form female and the male - they can be hard to tell apart based on the amount of dark brown on the upper wing surfaces. The female shown at top left is again, an extreme example. Many females are virtually indistinguishable from males in the field.
To see where this butterfly has been reported, visit: The Ontario Butterfly Atlas Online
For further info on this species, visit the Butterflies of Canada