Zebra Swallowtail (Eurytides marcellus)
Zebra Swallowtail (Eurytides marcellus)
Jackson, SC 2015/05/14
Green Ridges State Forest, MD 2015/05/05
Jackson, SC 2015/05/13
Jackson, SC 2015/05/13
Member of Family: Papilionidae
The first generation of the season has shorter tails, as shown at upper right. Later generations have longer tails, as shown in the other images ( from further south ). This species is probably not resident in Canada, but occasionally strays into extreme Southern Ontario from the US, where it is fairly common. I have not yet seen this species in Canada.
To see where this butterfly has been reported, visit: The Ontario Butterfly Atlas Online
For more info on this species, visit the Butterflies of Canada