Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice)
Female - Burnt Lands Provincial Park, ON 2013/07/23
Male (paralyzed?) - Manion Corners, ON 2012/06/22
Male - Manion Corners, ON 2013/08/21
Female (White Form) - Gatineau Park, QC 2013/07/22
Member of Family: Pieridae
This familiar butterfly is probably the most common yellow butterfly in much of Ontario.
Like most other members of this subfamily, this species does not normally rest with its wings open. The individual pictured at top right was found paralyzed with its wings open (perhaps it had been attacked by some predator). When viewed dorsally, the pale yellow colour is more easily distinguished from the orangish colour of the Orange Sulphur .
To see where this butterfly has been reported, visit: The Ontario Butterfly Atlas Online
For more info on this species, visit the Butterflies of Canada